My boss belittles me and inulted me in front of people, so I got on the office PA system and announced "attention everyone I just want to let u know that Mr ****** (my boss) wears a G-String under his suit. And his penis is so small he has to use his nose instead when he makes love with his wife!" Everybody laughed including the clients my boss was talking to. How will he react when i see him tomorow and how would u react if u were him?
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If this is not a joke (as it probably is) you will not only be fired and lose the possibility of UI benefits, but you may be sued for slander and rightfully so !!! Not very wise to do and in front of the clients that will be witnesses on top of it...this world is falling apart
You be fired! - and you'll not be able to collect unemployment benefits either. Why did you self destruct? You did just what he wanted you to do, and that's why he was belittling you, so you would do something stupid. Now, you get to look for a new job, and try to figure out what you'll tell a new employer about why you no longer work for mr. small penis.