How do i get out from under unmanageable payday loan debt?

My fiance and I have dug a bigger hole with payday loans, trying for a quick solution. We are now over extended and need to figure a way out without going further in debt with the bills we had originally on top of the pay day loans we've accumulated. We live in Nevada and I would appreciate any tip.
Pay your bills, set the payday loans on the back burner and put a stop check on the check they're holding till you can gather the cash to pay them back. I've been there it will never end thats how they stay in bsuiness.

A site I've recommended in the past would be...

Hope that helps.
payday loans are the WORST. this indicates a serious spending problem because when you saw the 700% annual interest rate you accepted it. you didn't freak out, you didn't run in the other direction.

these loans will KILL you. do WHATEVER it takes to NOT take another one out, else you will be forced into bankruptcy.

incidentally enough, if you file for bankrupty, you will ruin your credit for 7-10 years. however, these sharks will run away and you won't have to pay them if you include them in the bankruptcy. what they are doing is slightly illegal.

how do i know? sadly enough, i had to file bankruptcy seven years ago due to payday loans and bad spending habits. i discharged the bankruptcy, but the week i filed, i never heard from those five sharks again.

i wouldn't recommend it - my credit sucked for seven years. it's just NOW that the bankruptcy is falling off my record.

from someone who knows, sell your first born to NEVER take out another one again. but, if you got into it when you saw how insane the % rate was, you probably won't listen to me.
1. Try making extra money, part time job, deliver Pizza, newspapers, etc.

2. Rob peter to pay paul. Don't pay a important bill one month, pay down the payday people, then catch up with the important bill the next month. Something like that. Juggle

3. Change jobs, so they can't garnish??
I've been in your shoes before. First you need to make the decision that you will NEVER get another payday loan. Then you need to pay the payday loan off a.s.a.p. If that means you or your fiance temporarily getting an extra job, then do it. The last thing you want to do is get another loan.
Visit this discussion board to get some ideas of how others got out from under payday loans:

Click on the PayDay loans link
Grace B, Try calling a friend or family member first. If that doesn't work I've heard good things about this site.