Hi there, i would be grateful for any help please...
When i signed on for job seekers nearly a couple of weeks back the adviser said that when i next signed on il have a "13 week interview". He said i would be sent a letter but i havnt recieved one.
Can anyone explain what this interview is about and what i need to bring.
Thank you
It's just a standard review to see how you're doing and if they can offer you any help. They are trying to see whether they can do anything to help you get back into work - so you may be offered training, courses in interview skills etc etc.
Try not to worry. Contact your local Jobseekers office and ask tem if you need to bring anything, but I don't think you will need to.
The 13 week interview is one that you have should you be claiming JSA for 13 weeks - essentially it's to look at how you looked for work, and to reassess the work you are prepared to do and the wage you are prepared to accept.
If you've only been claining for a couple of weeks, just keep taking your work seeking diary thingy with you - the one with all the details of what you've done to find a job.
Your adviser should have told you about it at your last signing on day - becase the 13 week interview counts as signing on instead of the usual appointment. I don't think you need to bring anything; at the last one I went to they sent me on a course for "confidence building skills" which was nice of them. I got a job soon afterwards so never went but it shows they do have ways to help you. (I thought New Deal was 26 weeks but maybe it depends on your age)
On the other hand, if you don't really want to get a job, just go in looking sad & depressed and they'll think you're upset cos you're really trying to get work and they'll not bother you.
AH, lol this is where your life becomes the best thing thats ever happened to you :D
13 week interview, i think... means new deal :D new deal is a program they stick people that have been signing on for x amount of weeks on a training program, my program was shackletons, they put you on a work placement in a place like a charity shop for 13 weeks for nothing lol, u get an extra 15 a week for travel expenses, but yeah thats what i beleive it means, either that or they are just updating your job targets and stuff
dont worry- its just a review basically. They ask you some questions about what you have been doing to look for a job and revise your agreement. After 13 weeks they usually make you accept to travel even further for a job to increase your chance of getting one.
Take along the booklet and any other sheets you have been given that have your benefit details/agreement info on them
its just to re-assess you they might up the amount of things they expect u to do to find work or try to get you to accept some training course or daft scheme.other than that its nothing.