I have medical ins. premium's that come out of my check weekly. I have to work 120hrs. a month to be able to keep this ins. My job is ending Nov.10th. So therefore I know that I will not be working 120 hours that month and do not want the premium taken out in Nov. I contacted my benefits dept. about this and they said I could not stop it being taken out. What I want to know is when I am no longer employed by them, can I go back on them and get this premium returned to me. They say I can't. My ins. is a national acct. and Blue Cross Blue Sheild, and I live in the state of Georgia. Any information on this would be alot of help. Thanks
You can't cancel your insurance through work, outside of open enrollment.
You will be covered either through Nov 10th, or Nov 30th, depending on how the policy was set up.
Although your JOB is done on the 10th, the insurance coverage doesn't necessarily cancel that date.
These are IRS regulations, not up to your employer. The IRS sets up how health insurance through your employer runs.
Call your state department of Health Insurance commissioner and see if they have any remedy.