Pension for dummies ?

i am currently employed and may choose to leave my company by the end of this year. i am knew at 401k plans and pensions and how they work..anyways my co uses fidelity and i was able to see how much pension benefits i would get if i retired at 51 or 65 . its aid that i am 100 % vested and it had an amount for monthly payments then a diffrnt amount for a lump sum
i am 35 and not close to retirement age of course but does anyone know if i chose to takke it lump sum that i would be eligible to do so or not. and will i get taxed on it ?

If you take a lump sum you will lose 25% to taxes and another 20% to penalties. Roll it over into an IRA and let it grow for your retirement.

Think about that - you will lose almost 50% of the money if you take it as a lump sum.

Roll it over to an IRA for god's sake.