I own a company that helps get people out of debt. we've helped thousands of clients. The thing is, there are a LOT of people we talk to who would much rather do it themselves, but don't know HOW to do it..
how much would it be worth (in monetary terms) to you to have the knowledge to face your creditors directly and negotiate with them YOURSELF instead of paying a company like mine to do all of the work for you?
What i mean is, how much would you pay for a book that explained in detail what to say to creditors, how to negotiate, how to be successful in getting your debt GREATLY reduced on your own and paid off in a very short time etc. it would basically be a script / list that you follow to the T ... basically the same exact thing that WE do as a company, only far easier because we deal in thousands of clients.
would you pay $50 for that? $100?
Or do you even see the value in what i'm asking you?
Basically i'd be telling you how to do for yourself what you'd pay me thousands of dollars to do for you.....
What's that worth to you?
For what it's worth THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT... i haven't written anything of the sort. I'm just looking to see what kind of interest there WOULD be if i did...
Thanks in advance.
The price of your book doesn't depend so much on how much the reader will save, it depends on how much it will cost to get the information elsewhere (another book, the Internet, etc.).
Based on your potential readers, I'm guessing the book you have to be very short (booklet), very easy to read (large font, pictures, almost a children's book), fairly cheap, and available at places where people buy on impulse (check-out line, airport bookstore, etc.).
Unless you could back what you say with education, real knowledge, and experience, your advice would be worthless.
personally speaking, i would NOT buy a book to tell me how to get out of debt. in america we all still have the right to negotiate with our creditors. the problem is people shy away from talking to the credit companies, they don't want to commit to a payment plan. i got out of debt by dealing with my creditors and keeping my word. it took me 3 years to pay off 6 credit cards. i payed them one by one every pay week. it worked for me and i save money by handling it myself. i chopped the interest by paying every week, stopped late fees and cleared the cards.it was not easy but i accomplished my goal.