but you need the job to pay your bills and to pay for your college? I'm trying to make the best of it. I tell myself I'm making money and its giving me an opportunity to build work history.
I used to go from job to job but now I'm trying to stick it out to build work history so I can get a job in my field after I graduate from college.
Because better jobs like to check with the HR department at your old job to see if you really worked there so that is why I'm trying to stick it out.
Your logic is sound. Stick it out for as long as you can. HR departments look for gaps in your employment history.
There's no reason you can't start looking for a better job now though...Just don't quit one until you have another one lined up.
Remember, nothing lasts forever, (the old , 'this too shall pass' line), you can do this. Be patient and strong. It will pay off in the end.