i have an interview on Wed. they called me and told me come back in to do a second assessment test on the kiosk, so i did that but when it came to section 2 the questions were all the same, the 2nd question was the same as the 1st question, the 4th question was the same as the 3rd.. and so on. were they MOST LIKELY & LEAST LIKELY questions?? i did read the direction correctly and saw nothing about "what would you most likely do or least likely do", could there have been a mistake on the kiosk?? what i did was put the same answer for each repeated question. if i do good at my interview despite that assessment would i still have a chance at working there??
They do that, rephrase the same question to see if they'll trip you up. Don't worry as long as you were honest and said the same thing you'll be fine. Good luck. I LOVE Target!! :)
It does sound strange. Bring up what happened at the kiosk...to the interview. Wait until it feels right, then mention it. It doesn't hurt to ask.