I am now old enough to receive my inheritance from my grandmother, which was, I believe, about $10,000 that was to be put into an interest bearing account for the past 20 years. My uncle was chosen as the executor of her estate, and apparently, after two other cousins had already received their inheritance money, *mine* was used up to pay for the storage to keep my grandmother's things in it. There is *nothing* left in the account, and her things are *still* in storage, instead of claimed by other family members.
I do not know how to feel or what to do. I feel that it is not fair at all... I was a child when they decided to do this, and I feel that I was taken advantage of because I had no say in it.
I don't want to destroy family relationships to make a big deal about money, but at this point, I am wondering:
If I chose to, what kind of legal action should I take?
What would *you* do if this was your family?
If the monies is gone it's nothing you really can do unless you can come up with the a document that mentioned that the monies was for you directly.
If that is the case then you can take legal action and yes it will destroy your family relationship so get ready.
I'd get a lawyer. Repossess the stuff in storage. Keep what you want, sell the rest. Your uncle is a crook and needs to pay up or do time.
If your family are a bunch of criminals why do you care about your relationships? It's not about money, it's about doing what is right or wrong. They are in the wrong. You can't trust them.
If it was me, I would not take legal action against a family member or my uncle over money.
goooood luck.