Im just trying to gain perspective here. After taxes and all that, thats about 600 something bucks a week. I perhaps only got like $500 worth of bills but I still think that 600 a week is garbage.
Am I being a douche cry baby? How much do you make after how many years in the work force? And are you like buying a house and feeding several mouths? I need perspective on how much money am I really making, something I am not realizing.
It depends on a few things; where you went to school, what you went to school for, where you are located, and what other jobs are paying in the job/field that you are currently working in.
If you're bringing home $600 a week, that is $2400 a month. If you were to move out and live on your own - you would (depending on where you live) probably spend about $1000 to $1500 for rent; and, that might even include utilities. If on top of that, you still pay the $500 in bills, you would be spending either $1500 or $2000 a month. Then, you have anywhere from $400 to $900 dollars left over to put towards, gas, food, and savings (if that hasn't already been figured in)
Yes, your job could be a lot worse; but for now you have something that seems like it is working out pretty well for you. If you honestly don't like it, then keep this job and look for something that pays better, but don't ever leave it until you know you have something better.
It depends on where you live and what you went to school for. If you went to school to be a psychologist, and you live in Smallville, Alabama.....I would say you are making damn good money. If you are a lawyer and live in Manhattan, I would say you are making crap. Its all relative.
Your first mistake is that you are thinking hourly - think yearly.
You are making 41K / year.
This is more than the average HOUSELHOLD in the united states.
Not person, but combined household income.
Lift up your chin, and appreciate the fact that you are richer than 1/2 the homes out there....
Try gөnөгаtіng your іnсοмө from GοοgΙө like I do. Any person with a job has the ability to do it to add to your өагnіngѕ, or you can even do it permanently instead of a regular vocation. Take a look at for a risk fгөө trial.
Well, um yes it does. But, it could be worse. Kepp that job and work towards a better one.