So ...if you earn £255 x 52 weeks in the year = £13260 per year
less the tax free allowance = £6785 which you will get taxed upon.
You pay 10% on the first £2440 = £244 per year
And you pay 20% on the rest = (6785-2440) 4345 x 20% = £869 per year.
Total tax per year = £1113.
Divide by 52 weeks = £21.40 tax per week.
So ...gross pay = £255.00 per week ...weekly tax = £21.40 pay = £233.60 per week
Good Luck!
Although is a good site, it doesn't do in-year calculations. Your previous earnings from 6th April (the start of the tax year) also need to be taken into account, as PAYE is operated on a cumulative basis. The NIC figure should be OK.
it depends on his tax code which is determined by his circumstances and how much tax he has already paid.
I earn that much and £400 pound out of it goes to tax!!! the first month you pay emergency tax so it will be slightly Higher.