a couple just about spliting up who have a mortgage .wich is a high mortgage as it paying interest only for the first 3 years,the male can come off the mortgage in october 2009 as the female wants to carry on with the mortgage,she is on a debt recovery plan near enough bankrupt,the male has given 950 to a thousand every month for bills excetra.we have just found out the female hasnt payed any house hold bills since august 2008 a debt owing well over two thousand pounds .electric gas poll tax water.what is the best way to get out of this mess .walk away or carry on with the mortgage,if the female defaults on the mortgage it will be another year before the male can get off the mortgage,,,,what a mess any advice please emma xx
Unsure if you are asking for advice on behalf of female or male....
The female needs to draw up an action plan. Firstly work out her disposable income (in-comings minus outgoings) & then call the companies she is in debt with. Assuming gas, electric etc are still with the same provider she cannot add this to her recovery plan as they will disconnect her service. This means she needs to start paying the bill, plus extra to cover the debt.
If she cannot realistically cover all expenses alone, it is time to sell up. Burying her head in the sand will get her house re-possessed, sold at auction for less than it is worth & then she will have a mortgage shortfall to add to the list of the debt. If the house is sold, the utility bills can be added to the recovery plan, providing she uses another supplier in the new house & also depending who's name the bill is in.
The male needs to keep paying the mortgage until his name can be taken off. If female defaults whilst still in his name, he is still legally responsible & the debt will be in his name, regardless of if he is living there.
Obviously the household bills must be paid but it may be possible to save money by getting any credit cards or unsecured loans legally cancelled. I used www.bdebtfree.info and they were very helpful. Good luck.
Move home. Deny everthing. Never ever admit responsibility. Then they can't touch you.