I'm relatively new to the stock market and I have heard quite a bit about options trading. Can anybody shed some information on the risks as well as the viability of options trading in turning a profit?
Maybe an example would help.
When I got hired at my company, I was given 1000 options of shares in the company. The price on my options was the value the day I was hired (let's say that was $50). I'm allowed to at a later date then buy shares at that price, regardless of what the actual value of the shares are.
So if the share price was now only $40/share, I don't have any obligation to buy those shares (or "exercise my options") at $50/share. However if the price today was $60/share, I still have the right to buy them if I want to. A common thing to do in that case is to buy the shares at your option price ($50) then immediately sell them at the current value ($60), which would mean I'd walk away with a profit of $10 a share.
The buyer has the right to exercise an option but is not required to do so. It is the buyers choice.
Scroll down to "Stock Options-What is it"? and "Stock Options-In layman terms".
1. the risk is if the option expires worthless.
2.it means buyers can decide to exercise the options or not.
Option selling is great way to use options to make month income.
CBOE and the OIC have websites and quickly answer the phone 888-678-4667