It was just for a simple Target card too! Ridiculous. They said "we're sorry that we can't approve your appplication, we were unable to verify the information provided on your application.
I have absolutely no idea what that means, and I remember filling it out correctly.
what could I have made a mistake on, that they didn't get?
I used the same info for other applications and I'm sure I got approved, so I don't get it.
It's not unusual for a creditor to deny a card if they cannot verify a piece of information that is on the application.
Some of the biggest reasons why that happens is because an applicant typed some of the info incorrectly, the applicant used a cell phone number instead of a land line, the applicant used a P.O. box number, the info in the applicants personal section on their credit report is different than what they placed on the application, etc.
Call them and ask what information it was that they could not verify.
Chances are that Target will ask you to verify the information that kicked your application out.
They may reopen your application after you verify who you are (in that call) and either approve you or they will deny you for another reason.
If they don't ask you about verifying that info, or they don't say that they will reopen the application after you give them the verifying info, ask them to do that.
If, after all of that, you are denied for another reason then ask them to reconsider their decision.
I got rejected for a Target card because I had moved within the previous year. Relax. All is well.