just wait for them to call me, or do i need to call them & ask if they got my application???
i am 18 and have never had a job! i am sooo clueless about all of this stuff ):
This is what i do every time I fill out an application, whether it be online or in person.
1. After I fill the application out, I call 3 days later and ask to speak to the manager. ALWAYS ask to speak to the manager because well I don't trust associates. Sometimes they'll ask you what the call is about (because they don't want other people stealing their positions) . So just politely say "Interview". =)
2. "Hi, my name is *insert your name*. I filled out an application, and was just wondering if you had a chance to look over them yet?"
3. And usually they say they're in the process of going over applications. So that's really all you can do until they call.
I usually follow up with another call a week later if I hear nothing. And if still nothing I move on.
Call and say that you recently submitted an online application and ask if they are currently hiring. If they say no then ask if they will be hiring any time soon.
Or, if you know that they're hiring tell them that you submitted an application online and you'd like to know if they were currently setting up interviews.
I know how stressful it is finding your first job, good luck!
im in the same boat as you girl.
everyone has told me to just go ahead and call them a week or two after youve submitted ur application. i feel like by calling them, i am being a pest..but its a good thing, because it shows that you are really wanting this job, and that u are a "go-getter". so yea, wait a couple of weeks and then call them and say ^^what heather said^^ oh yea and if they are hiring just ask what the status is on ur application.and just show that u really want this job. maybe if you bug them enough they will get tired and hire you even if they dont really need any help.
I would call and ask to speak with their manager, that company is pretty good with hiring people without experience. Just depends on how busy they are and if they need people or not.
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