I have limited funds so could you please list free sites? I have it listed on Craigslist and Zillow.com. Please Help!
www.iggyshouse.com will put it on the MLS for free. Nothing will guarantee a quick sale, though. The price will have a lot to do with it, as well as the location and condition of the house,
Get a realtor who advertises in a lot of areas, and takes LOTS of photos. Someone who takes like 3 photos and leaves is not doing you the best service for the money.
The MLS allows up to 18 or 20 photos and you should max it out. Buyer's want to see lots of photos before they take the time to go out to a house. Make them appealing, and get the best angle of every room.
Clean them up and make them presentable (even if just for one day ;-)
Good luck in selling your home!