Here's some details about myself:
1) I am female, and 18 years old.
2) I am either an ENTJ or ENTP on the Meyers Brigg test.
3) I love working out and testing my physical endurance- I have a black belt in karate!!!
4) I have failed Chemistry, Math, and Psychology courses.
5) I have done O.K in English and Political Science, but I'm not really interested in either.
6) I have gotten 'A's' in History, First Aid & CPR, Entrepreneurship, and Phys. Ed.
7) I have several interests and I'm going to try and list them!!!
(In no particular order):
A. Martial arts
B. Chinese medicine
C. Fashion/makeup
D. Film (action and crime movies especially!!!)
E. Police science
F. Motorcycles/cars (overpowered vehicles)
G. Travel
H. Any contact sport possible!!!!!
I. Organizing things, planning stuff (vacations, events)
Having a spouse with adhd and two children one with add and one with adhd I can say that in my opinion firstly, your adhd has little to do with your makeup regarding your career. I say this only because add is literally what that person makes it. I think your own personality really dictates "what we become", these being formed by our experiences since cognition. Now regarding your career, I do have my own insight based on experience regarding options. Build on not the things you "cant" do but those that you can. This the case and after reviewing your accounts of yourself I think a few options would work for you. 1.Military Why:Your interest in contact sports, martial arts, that "adrenaline" thing that you most likely have would be "fed". The interest in political science,(if you passed something "grabbed" you enough to make it possible to pass the class) chinese medicine (learn mandarin or any major chinese dialect) now you can medically treat and communicate with your patients...and ask any military intell personnel about our "relationship" with China...the cold war still lives.
2. Military Why:Your interest in travel, over powered vehicles, "Police Science", organizational skills...all of these lead me to think that you are team oriented on some levels but like to work alone as well. All this said, I think either trying to get into an officer candidate position or some other military based college education and then apply yourself as a leader with in the military. Some mos's (jobs) that you may enjoy range from intelligence analyst to Psychological operations or Sysops, working within a T.O.C. (Tactical Operations Center) environment or even attachment to a standard or non standard military unit to treat others, setting up clinics for the local populous, aka medic. These day's with "Integration" on a higher level than ever before, females are more and more excepted in the public eye to be in "harms way" serving the military. One thing about the military...Yes it is "mission specific" often meaning, the mission first, personnel second...but "boots on the ground" it's about "family" and working together to make things better for others under extreme conditions. College education is the key, yet in the military be it Army to Air Force you can explore your tastes and still fulfill that energetic, physically oriented and attention to detail that you have regarding "planning". Have you the magnitude that these skills warrant within the field of arms...logistics are the Army...without careful planning there is no military. From large scale operations to small "special operations" where intell and planning are EVERYTHING. The downside to joining the police will not receive the same training, have the same opportunities for growth, the pay...even with a degree will not rival that of an officer in the military. The travel...yea, a beat. The objective...the same objective every day...arrest people selling drugs and breaking the law...the faces may change daily but the result the same. I think you would get bored with LE. There, is no family like that I had in the military. Ultimately there are a million doors open to you now. There will be no time like now for you in regard to "options" due to your age and attitude. Just use the natural talents, some of which may or may not be apart of your adhd, pick a course and go...Other options regarding employment...have you thought of running for a grassroots political position? Got to start somewhere. Peace Corp, another great way to use your Natural likes and skill sets helping others. The key is to chose something that fulfills your needs, that you find happiness not at other peoples expense. That's it. Good Luck.
ps: Yes I served in both the Navy and Army, 11 years. I am not "pushing" or "selling" the military. It just seems like many of your natural inclinations would be met via the military. The truth, it's not the political agenda you fight for but an ethic, a way of life...Life is not about the military or specifics but about finding that degree of happiness and at the same time (to me) helping others as you go.
It's too bad you're not doing well in science. Physical therapy or being a gym trainer sounds like jobs you'd like.
You could also try law enforcement.