I have ordered some cuff links and it mentioned goldtone.
it probably is real gold. B ut it is the thinnest type of real gold. There are various ways that jewellerey is made with gold. In descendin order of value (of the gold content) it would be solid pure gold (24kt) This would be too soft for jewellery. Then solid 22kt gold which is alloyed or mixed with something like copper, then 18kt and 9kt. Then you would get rolled gold, which is a thin layer of gold rolled onto a cheap base metal and then electro-plated gold layer (even thinner) then, I suppose Goldtone. It is difficult to say exactly what it is. It may be a trade name or just a common name for something that has a gold sheen or tint. Whatever it is it is of very little value and probably will wear off with time. All gold colour contains some "real" gold, even gold paint or gold ink. If you buy gold paint you will find it is a lot more expensive than say red paint!
Gold paint or tinting done to the metal. NOT real gold.