i have a job interview at a pharmacy next week and i'm not even studying pharmacy but i've worked in the health care department at boots a few times and i have no idea what they're going to ask me or what i need to know...please help ..appreciate everyone who helps me out and if i get the job based on you're advice then you've made my life well a year of it! thankyouuu
What type of job within the pharmacy are you interviewing for. I will give you some information about the levels that you're probably most likely going to be interviewed for:
Administrative Assistant -- this position is to keep the pharmacy organized and to keep the general function of the pharmacy running smoothly and with upmost efficiency.
Some of the questions that they may ask for this position are:
List some of the computer programs that you have used.
What is your typing? what is your data entry like?
What type of duties would you expect to do as an admin assistant?
Pharmacy Assistant
This is the level where you check with and verify with the other health agencies such as health clinics, doctors etc., to verify the information that has been provided is correct and complete. Also you might help with filling the prescription.
Some questions that they may ask you for this position:
What do you think some of the duties within this role are?
Have you been in a similar role before?
How is your mathematics like?
Some general questiosn that they may ask are:
1) Tell me about yourself
2) What are your plans for the next 5 years
3) Tell me a time when ...
4) What do you know about our company?
5) Describe a time when you had...
It's likely to be more about customer service, just relax.
Remember the customer always comes first, explain how you always try to be as helpful as you can, you always smile and try to make customers feel welcome.
You might have to explain what you would do if a customer gets angry or has a complaint, tell them that you will try your best to resolve their complaint as much as you can by yourself in a calm manner without needing to call for help, but if the customer still demands to speak to a manager and you can't help them you would refer him to the manager on duty.
If there are any questions about pharmaceuticals that you don't know the answer to, be honest and tell them you don't know but you're very keen to learn.