I'm about to start working 30 hrs a week at $13 an hour. I'm also going to be moving out (of my moms house for college) 4 months after i get my job. Anyone know what they deduct from your paycheck and how much?
I've heard some people say that you only end up with 75% of your real pay check but then i heard other people say you get to keep 80%, anyone know which one it is?
Does the deductions go up once i move out?
$13 X 30 = $390 per week
Weekly Gross Pay $390.00
Federal Withholding $34.69
Social Security $24.18
Medicare $5.66
Florida $0.00
Net Pay $325.47 <<<<------- This is your weekly net pay
Federal withholding, social security, medicare, state withheld,and insurance ,if you have it, are all deducted. On the average it is 28% for your income bracket. If we had the fair tax now, you would get 100% of what you earn, plus a monthly check for normal food and drug expenses taxes. Then you pay taxes only on what you spend, so everyone pays their fair share and the people who now cheat on their taxes could not do that anymore.