Okay what happened last night really chafes my rear end. Im 20, but I will be 21 in two months with no driving under the influence charges or any tickets whatsoever and any crimes, misdemanors or felonies. Me and my friend was drinking beer. I only had one beer (not enough to be under the influence) and my friend had two. There was two unopened beer in the car but thats not the case. There was three of us, but the friend who's driving wasnt drinking at all. We was on the way home when my friend was stupid enough to forget the headlights on on the car during the night and we got pulled over. The cops saw empty beer cans in the car and asked us to stand aside and searched the car. The driver didnt get any ticket and he was let off with a warning; (both of my friends are over 21, but Im 20, I forgot to mention that) my friend who was drinking got a Misdemanor for opening alcoholic beverage in the car and he wasnt under the influence; I got a misdemanor for MIP (Minor in possession) and I was not even driving at all and I still have to appear in court which doesnt make any ******* sense to me. I only had one beer for god's sake and I am two months from being of the legal age. I read online that first offense for Minor in possession for alcohol beverage in Kansas is $500 fine, suspension of driving privileges for up to 30 days (I WASN'T driving at all and its not even my car which pisses me off) and 40 hours of community service and requirement to attend an educational class for alcohol consumpation which is stupid cuz I only had one freakin beer. My court isnt until June 17th. Will i actually get my license suspened over this and get charged as a misdemanor since my record is clean? Can anybody help me out with good answers, please? This is serious. Thank you.
You got cited for MIP because you WERE a MIP. You drank a beer. Being 2 mos away from legal age doesn't count in the eyes of the law.
I doubt they will suspend your license, but they probably will either levy a fine or require community service since this is your first offense.
Do you have a public defender or attorney advising you?
Yes you will.
It's an automatic license suspension, for someone under 21 with alcohol in any form. You don't even have to be in a car.
You could even be at a party, and if you're under 21 and caught with alcohol, your license will be suspended.
What part of "you have to be 21" to drink and "no open container" don't you get?
"Almost 21" doesn't count, "it wasn't my car" doesn't count, "I wasn't buzzed" doesn't count. You have broken 2 laws and I think if you get off with what you described you are lucky.
if UNDER THE AGE OF 21 IT IS ILLEGAL FOR YOU HAVE,TRANSPORT OR CONSUME, sorry but there is little you can do