I'm starting an RN program in the fall and reading a little in the fundementals book. There is so much about charting-nursing diagnoses, care plans, nurse's notes!!!!! When do you do all this? Do you do it after each patient? at the end of the day? Thanks
I do it as I have time. Fortunately my facility has electronic medical records and everything is computerized which makes everything so much easier.
When I start my shift I get report from the previous nurse, check the computer "charts" on my patients to check allergies, when meds are due, what orders for treatments, tests, or other things I need to be aware of, and read a couple of the most recent notes. If I have a 4 pt. load this takes me about 15-20 minutes total. Then I round on my pt's for the first time and do my initial assessment - I chart my assessment on the computer in the room as I do it, it only takes a minute or two to go down the columns and check things off. If I pass meds, I chart those in the room as well so that I have my MAR open in front of me.
I usually write progress notes and additions to the plan of care towards the end of the shift, unless other things warrant writing them earlier, such as needing to call a doctor for a change in patient status, new orders, etc.
It's easier if you chart as you go and try not to put it all off til the end of the shift. You'll develop your own way of doing things, you'll learn from your co-workers who orient you to your new job. You'll find what works for you and what doesn't through trial and error.
Im a third year student nurse about to qualify in October. You generally fill out all the care plans and diagnoses charts as you go through your shift and done that particular care for that patient. You then make an entry into their medical records at the end of your shift about what care you have given them. You can make additional entries whenever you want, but you must make at least one entry a day.
Hope this helps
I just graduated nursing school and am about to start working on a med-surg unit. As a nursing student, when I had 1-5 patients I would get report, check the charts for anyting new, get my assessments and med pass done in the 1st 2 hours. Then, usually mid-morning I would get a chance to sit down do my assessment charting. We were not expected to finish our care plan at clinicals but we were expedted to finish our nursing notes. The day before clinicals we knew what our patients disease process was and had nursing diagnosis (and drug cards) in hand the morning of clinical. You will get the hang of it. Its all a learning process that will shape you into the nurse you need to be. ; )
well in my clinicals...i would get 1 patient and look after them the whole day...and when they wanted to relax i would leave the room and go do it then...i mean its an 8 hour day your patient wants some time alone ...