I did not file my 2007 state tax. Can you guys tell me if I can possibly file my taxes and how to go about it. I know that I do not owe them but it is bothering me. I appreciate it!!
Agree with rtfm...it sounds like its in your best interest to go ahead and file so you can claim a refund, if one is due to you. Not only will you get money that is owed back to you, but this will no longer be an issue that is bothering you.
You can go to www.irs.gov to download the 2007 1040 form to file. You will have to mail it in. The address for your state can be found on the IRS' website as well.
If this had been your federal tax and you were entitled to a refund, you'd have less than two years to claim it (there's a three-year limit for claiming refunds). These taxes were due on April 15, 2008, so you'd only have until April 15, 2011 to claim the refund or forfeit it.
Whether the same applies to your state tax refund or not depends on the rules of your particular state. Go to their Web site and see if there's contact information there so you can call and ask.