I just graduated with a degree in elementary education and I interviewed for a 2nd and a 4th grade position and found out that I didn't get either. I feel terrible and I just don't know what to do now. Should I apply at a daycare? Will it look bad if I didn't have a teaching job right out of college? I am just so disappointed in myself.
Heck no! Sub you can substitute and earn a position once the schools get use to you and know you by name the position is yours. Your a qualified teacher why should you work day care. Try more schools you might not get one close to where you live, you may have to try special needs children, sadly no one wants to teach them, try in home teaching, Sylvan Learning Center is Always hiring!!!! They only hire teachers. People are always getting sick some times they get sick permanently get the picture.
The best thing for right now would be to substitute teach for school districts that are within driving distance of your home. In the present economy there are teachers that are being furloughed due to budget cuts. This is a tough time to be starting out after just graduating.
Once the schools get to know you, they may offer long-term or semester jobs to you and have you fill in while someone is out on sick leave or maternity leave. You'll get your foot in the door so to speak.
Meanwhile send your application to every school district and every private school in range of a morning commute.
Don't give up!
The daycare option might be an alternative consideration.
Its the economy right now and it makes finding a job even more difficult. It took me almost 7 months to find a job and this job isn't really what I want at all. So all I can suggest is apply for anything, even a supermarket job if you have to till you find something more to your taste. Better to have an income than none.
Not that many people start off at the top.
It would probably look better to have some form of background rather than none.
Working at a daycare is working with children just like teaching so they might like that.
Get what you can get in this economy.
It's not only you, its the economy. I'm having a hard time finding a job too, not to mention the other million people that are out of work. Something will come along... try substituting until you find permanent work. I wish you the best of luck!
why didn't you get the jobs?
I would just keep applying for jobs. Working whatever you can until you find the right job. Just do what everyone else does.
If at first you dont succeed, try, try again. Dont be disappointed in yourself, it's not your fault. You need to get an entry level job to start gaining some experience. Dont get discouraged & keep trying.
try and try again. it will take a little time for these things to come about. it is not your fault. don't just stop at two. apply many times at different places.
Don't be disappointed
We all have to start somewhere
A lot of the schools are laying off teachers
I would go for the daycare for now
KEEP trying doesnt matter if u try more than 1000 times for an interview