passing blame.
The deal is I started a new job 3 weeks ago. Everyone likes me, I show that I will do my best to get the job done, I try to take ignicitave, but it's a litte hard because everything is sooo disorganized. My computer is complete crap, ( and I'm doing graphics) their internet/server is horrible. All my files are saving at really large file sizes, and I can't send them out because of their internet/server won't let me send out large file sizes. It takes forever for the computer to save my file. I have to save two versions, one for print, and one for review over email, but then it corrupts the file when I do that....... and on top of it. they give me a deadline, then cut it in half, then cut that in half again. Change this around, then change it back. The are not getting me the changes until 5 minutes before I'm supposed to leave. and they are pushing me and having unrealistic expectations.
The last file I sent to the bosses... they came back with some mistakes with spelling, etc (when you change the wording a hundred times, which changes the layout, then hey!) my immediate boss is crazy and frantic and having me go in 100 directions at the same time, without any kind of clarification or making any since. The whole work place knows he's like this, and I'm learning who to go to to give me the right information
and he know that he's like that too, and therefore he's reasonable and forgiving. However his boss is not there and does not understand. I know that he will ask me about it, saying there are too many mistakes coming out, and it's not fast enough. Even if the deadlines are getting cut in half, and computers that are infected with viruses, and curupt files and too many changes given to make happen in a very small amount of time, It's still my responsibility. How do I make my case without blaming things and not taking responsibility. I want to work there as long as they understand that I am a good worker and I'm doing my best.
It sounds like you are very knowledgeable with graphics and with other things like that, and I know how it hurts to be taken advantage of. I have a disability myself, and it has been hard to prove to people that I can do the same job as the next person.
The best suggestion that I can offer for you, is to go to your boss, and say that you're trying your best on the work, and that with the larger files that are out there, and with the slow speed on the computer, that it is taking some extra time to save the work.
In the meantime, I would make repairs to the resume, and send them out to employers, and see if there is an employer who can accept you for who you are, and is willing to give you a chance. There are a lot of good companies that need good people out there like you, and this boss doesn't deserve you!
Its initiative.... not igniciative. It's corrupt not curupt.
I am sorry but I agree with them sending your work back because it has spelling mistakes. There is no excuse for sloppy work.
Hang in there.
In the meantime, get your resume back out and pretend this job didn't happen.
Good luck.
If I were you, I would try to talk to your boss. He seems really disorganized, and if he wants a successful business, then he needs to step it up. You don't need all these problems with the computer when youre doing your job. If he doesn't do anything, then to me that means he isnt appreciating how hard you work to get the job done on time and without errors. Also: Is there any way you could bring your own computer to work?
Take a break relax, do your best, and if they ask what the problem is then tell them the truth...ask for help or save up for a new computer
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Don't vent to your boss. Do the best you can. If you don't have software to condense files, try downloading a free version. When your boss complains, do not list excuses. Tell him, calmly, that you do the best with what you have to work with. In the mean time, I would look for another job.