So recently I got a job and a couple days ago I got my first check (Yay). Now that I am making money, I want to open a Chase Checking account. So I was wondering if I can do this at age 17 WITHOUT my parents co-signing. I don't want any involvement from my parents. They are complete psycho's who know nothing about managing their money. They even recently got out of bankruptcy. That even effects my ability's for getting approved for a credit card. So now you see why I want nothing to do with them. However, I can provide my Passport, SSN card, License and proof that I have a job. So what do you think? Can I do it?
I think you have to be 18, but what is stopping you from calling Chase bank and asking them?
Your parents situation have nothing to do with your credit. Get that idea way off your head and learn from their mistakes instead. You can have a friend co-sign, or wait until you are 18.