Second time no-proof-insurance-ticket (should have learned)?

Call your insurance provider have them give you a temporary insurance card as you will still be covered under your old automobile insurance and give that to the court the day you have to pay your ticket.

Is this true at all? I am just wondering if their is anyway at all i could possibly get out of this ticket.

At least here in New Mexico if you can prove the car was insured at the time of the ticket they generally wave the fine. If it wasn't insured, and this is the second time you have been caught, I think you are screwed. You may be able to reduce the fine by proving that you have insurance now, but I doubt they would dismiss a second offense.

The next time you get a new insurance card, take that card and put in your glove compartment so you will always have;

Have your insurance company send copy of your proof of insurance to you. It should state that you had insurance on the date that you did not have and got a ticket.

good luck

Not likely. If you HAD insurance, maybe they'll let you go, but if your insurance was cancelled, you're probably looking at a license suspension.

You can compare how the insurance quotes would change, for example here -