How can you back something that's going to leave 20,000,000 uninsured, and decrease the quality of care for hundreds of millions of others?
You spout numbers as if they're fact...any health care bill is a LONG way from becoming law. Relax.
You need to get your facts straight. The public option is for people who do not have (or cannot get health insurance). Right now there are approx 46 million uninsured folks. About 45,000 people die every year because they do not have health insurance. Right now our country spends 2 to 3 times more than any other developed country in the world and yet we are ranked 24th in life expectancy. Does this sound right? Have you seen the Insurance and Drug Company profits? Why is it ok for an Insurance company to make life and death decisions when motivated by profits but not ok for the government? Yes this is expensive but are we really that selfish to think it's ok to have 46 million uninsured folks in this country? Think about these points.
The object of insurance is no more. Every institution or company is running after the profit making. If the approach is business minded only, how can you worry about the common man.