I have a loan in really good standing that is being reported by Equifax on my credit report but when I look at the other, it has no history of the loan. Should this loan be reported to all three of the agencies?? Or is it up to them?
In order to work with a credit bureau, a lender must be a subscriber to their services and this costs money. The lender in this case only subscribes to Equifax. The bureaus only know what their customers report to them. They do not go out and do independent research.
if you are looking for the free credit report usa national site, check out this site
Here you can check your 3-in-1 Report from all three credit reporting agencies and your credit score rating.
The choice of which (if any) credit agencies to whom lenders report is purely their choice. There is no requirement for reporting to all three, or to any, for that matter. That is why lenders generally observe all three major reports. It's the only way they get a true indication of what is going on in your credit life.
Obviously the loan that looks good is only reported by the lender to Equifax and not the others. If it isn't reported to them, they are not aware of it.
That is why there are 3 agencies. Your lenders ARE NOT required to report you to all three.....in fact they are not required by law to report you AT ALL. It is up to the lenders as to WHO and WHEN they report you.