What is disinvestment policy (in India)?

related to reducing govt.'s share from the public company
mention in details

See, it is an economic policy direction pursued by the Govt of India, mostly based on the principles of western (or US) economic lines or the IMF. The main objective is to reduce the role of the State (ie, Govt) and giving more leverage to the private players in the economic activity of the country.

It is nothing to do with the work culture of govt employees. The government not only tries to sell the loss making PSU shares but efforts are on to sell the best profit making PSU shares as well. What does that mean? Profitability has nothing to do with the policy. Even the best performing public companies are sought to be sold on disinvestment just to meet the budgetary needs of the Govt. It is more or less comparable to the selling the family assets to meet the day to day expenses of the family.

Finally, if it is to check the work-culture of the indian govt depts, what is happening in the US? All the banks and auto majors are in the pvt domain and yet they performed very badly leading to the collapse of the US economy. Does it mean the workforce in US did not work?

as you know in india governanent servants do not work and the maximum number of companies and industries are running in loss,so the govt is started to sell them to the private companies and they will manage the same

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