Water bills ,, best way to pay by d/d or meter?

just wanted to know how mush you pay and find out the cheapest ways

Depends on how many in the household. Contact the Water Board and they will send you details of the cost of running a washer, dishwasher bath, shower, toilet etc.If you are on your own you will save a lot of money with a meter, I do!

What has it got to do with direct debits? Do you mean, is a meter cheaper than paying standard water rates? If so, then the answer is that it depends on how many people are in the property and how much water you use. Most people find a meter cheaper, but if you have a large family then it may not be cost effective to have a meter installed. Speak to United Utilities and see if they can help.

what does direct debit have to do with whether or not you have a meter? Duh!

d/d is much cheaper