leave at least 2 major cards open with zero balance. Pay off any other revolving debt you have. Check for collections and use a pay for delete(in writing) to remove these.
You must pay all bills on time,no late payments to any one,this includes electric,gas,phone,you get the idea,all monthly bills,and any other bills that you have.It takes a while but you have to show a history of paying on time.This is very important. I would recommend that you only keep one credit card and use it only as a last resort,and when used pay off ASAP(as soon as possible) A good credit score is a plus when looking for employment.
There isn't really a lot to go on here. But frankly even if you itemized all your debt, all your payment history, balances owed, etc, no individual could really give you any specific advice that would be the 'ace in the hole' for you.
ManageMyScore can help here. ManageMyScore.com will start with your credit report and enable you to see the impact of anything you might try to do (open new accounts, pay off other debt, close accounts, transfer balances between accounts, etc). This will enable you to determine the best course of action based on your goals for your credit score. And it’s truly personalized to YOUR credit situation, which will have much different drivers than someone else’s.
The online service is under $30, and discount code “Yahoo113025D” will take 25% off until November 30. That’s probably the best place to start and will get you the most accurate information, rather than the conjecture from a lot of individuals who can only speak from the experience on THEIR OWN credit profiles.
DONT CLOSE THE CREDIT CARDS - that will take the available credit away from you which will hurt your score. pay off installment loans, that will make it look better. Just dont get anything into collections or make any late payments.
Nothing. Just keep paying your current bills on time.
Do not go into debt again.