Need help in finding Net Income from this problem?

A corparation is considering a 200$ million expansion (capital expenditure next year). The company wants to know approximatley how much additional financing (if any) will be required if it decides to go throught with the expansion program. The company currently has 400$ million in net fixed assets on its books. Next year, the company expects to earn 80$ million after intrests and taxes. The company also expects to maintain its present level of dividens which is 15$ million. If the expansion program is accepeted, inventory and accounts recievable each will increase by 20$ million. Long term debt retirment obligation total is 10$ million for next year and deprecitiaon is expected to be 80$ million. The company does not expect to sell any fixed asstes next year. Company maintains a cash balance of 5$ million which is for its present operation. If the expansion is accepeted, year-end cash balance will increase by 8$ million.

it states net income is $80 million

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