New York insurance, New Jersey residency, which laws apply?

I am covered under my mother's medical benefits she receives from her job. She works in New York, the insurance company is based out of New York. However, both my mother and I live in New Jersey and I attend college full-time in New Jersey. New York law requires insurance companies to cover child dependents until they are age 23, only if they are attending college full-time. New Jersey law requires companies to cover child dependents until they are age 31. Which law applies to me?

If your policy is a NY policy, it's subject to NY rules & regulations. It's where the POLICY is from, not where you are, with health insurance.

I'm guessing that all your in network providers, are in NY.

If you want NJ coverages, you need a NJ policy. If your employer doesn't have any offices in NJ, it's not their responsibility to offer you NJ health insurance on a group policy - and actually, they can't GET it.

New York. It goes by the company she works at and not where you live.